Wednesday, April 13, 2011

31 Days

Our baby girl is official 1 month old today! I look back to that day and think about how everything happened so fast. A lot of people aren't able to say that about their labor but I can! My water broke approx 7:45am and she was born a quick 6 hrs later at 1:42pm. Jeremy and I still talk about how for the first couple hours of her life she hardly made a peep and we were wondering if she'd ever cry. Seems extremely foolish to us now!

Even though I couldn't see Ava for the first few moments of her life everyone in the room tells me she just came out and started looking around taking everything in. I remember holding her for the first time thinking that she was going to have her daddy's personality because she already seemed to be so laid back. At that moment I thought she might resemble me but it only took about 24 hours for her features to change and to realize she was her daddy all the way through.

This past month has been the best month of our life and Jeremy and I would like to thank everyone who has sent us a card, text message, e-mail, gift, or said a prayer for us! We are anxious to get to Kansas next week so little Miss Ava Ann can meet the rest of our family and our friends that we miss everyday.

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